Green Party of Canada - Federal Nominee
I want to be your MP! I'm currently a nominee for the Green Party of Canada to become your next federal candidate in Guelph, Ontario.
As an environmental scientist with progressive values, I will bring an uncompromising vision of evidence-based decision making, environmental stewardship, and an equitable country for all.
Here are some of the key issues that I want to address in parliament:
Climate Crisis
· We need meaningful climate change policies and action – right now
· We need to redirect all oil & gas subsidies towards more sustainable industries
Biodiversity Crisis
· Wild spaces need to be enhanced and restored to mitigate the global loss of biodiversity
Highway 413
· The federal government needs to follow its own laws and complete a thorough impact assessment of this destructive, sprawl-inducing proposal;
· Modeling predicts an average time savings of only 30-60 seconds from this short-sighted, over-priced highway
Housing & Affordability Crisis
· Since the end of federally funded housing in the early 90s, the private sector alone has been unable to prevent drastic increases to mortgage and rental costs;
· Federally funded housing - such as the co-op, deeply affordable and supportive models - need to become part of the housing and affordability crisis solution;
· Oligopolies have cornered markets for many of our basic needs. We must promote real competition and regulate the profiteering that has vastly outpaced inflation.
Truth & Reconciliation
· I will stand with brilliant Indigenous leaders from across the country to promote the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission;
· We need to decolonize long-standing systems of oppression in our country to make it a safer, healthier and more equitable place for all Canadians.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about my call for support, the priority issues listed or anything else you’d like to discuss.